
作者:综合   2019年09月16日 11:11  中国诗歌网    2269    收藏


Ye Lijun’s My Mountain Country

Translated from the Chinese by Fiona Sze-Lorrain

Foreword by Christopher Merrill


Contemporary Chinese poet Ye Lijun’s My Mountain Country (bilingual edition) in Fiona Sze-Lorrain’s translation—with a foreword by Christopher Merrill, director of International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, and a long essay by the poet-translator—is just published by World Poetry Books.

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In this remarkable English debut, award-winning Chinese contemporary poet Ye Lijun offers readers a lyrical diorama of nature and the inner world. By turns intimate and profound, Ye’s poems in Fiona Sze-Lorrain’s masterful translations make music of everyday silences, and illuminate the invisible openings in our lives. In this vital collection by one of China’s essential literary voices, each encounter is an invitation, wherein a village, a nest, a telescope, or a book proves to be a transient guide to the unknown.

“Fiona Sze-Lorrain brings her sense of immediacy, and her lucid control of tone, to these inspired translations of Ye Lijun which capture, with unerring musicality, the rhythms of the original Chinese.”

——Martha Kapos



“Ye Lijun's quiet, powerful poems accrete from places, memories, affect, and ideas unique to the poet. The distinctiveness of Ye’s diction, metaphors, and associations make her imagination and intelligence anchor in ours. We come away from Ye’s mountain, her house, her books, her loves, and return to those of our own with our senses made more acute. Translator Fiona Sze-Lorrain, a gifted poet herself, creates an English-language voice for Ye Lijun that has all the grace and surprise of the original.”  

—Thomas Moran



“The joys revealed in My Mountain Country, which bring together a selection of poems from her three books, elegantly translated by Fiona Sze-Lorrain, suggest that for an acute observer of the natural world every hour, secret or not, may become an occasion for opening, ‘in clarity,’ to the beloved, to nature, to the invisible—leaves and roses and flowering trees that at a moment's notice may awaken in her soul, alerting her once again to the mysterious bounty of life on earth.”

—from the foreword by Christopher Merrill


叶丽隽:中国当代诗人,获过文学奖项,出版诗集《我的山国》(菲奥娜·斯兹-洛林翻译;World Poetry Books, 2019)、《花间错》(2014)、《在黑夜里经过万家灯火》(2009)和《眺望》(2005)。1972年出生于浙江丽水一个贫困的农村家庭,毕业于浙江教育学院美术教育专业。曾任初中美术教师和非物质文化遗产工作者。目前,她居住在家乡丽水,担任丽水文学的编辑。



Ye Lijun is an award-winning Chinese contemporary poet and author of the poetry books My Mountain Country, translated by Fiona Sze-Lorrain (World Poetry Books, 2019), Flower Complex (2014), Passing by Thousands of City Lights in Black Night (2009), and Survey (2005). Ye has received several literary honors in China. Born in 1972 in Lishui, Zhejiang Province to an impoverished rural family, Ye Lijun is a graduate of the Zhejiang Educational Institute for Professional Art Pedagogy and China Academy of Art. She has worked as a junior high art teacher and arts administrator for intangible cultural heritage. Currently, she resides in her native city Lishui and serves as an editor at Lishui Literature.

Fiona Sze-Lorrain is the author of three poetry books, most recently The Ruined Elegance (Princeton, 2016). She is named the 2019-20 Abigail R. Cohen Fellow at the Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination. A zheng harpist and widely published translator, she lives in Paris where she works as an editor.



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